“Practical solutions based on scientific fundaments” – PSJ –

Projects & Research

PSJ works for both the public and private sectors. Often there is a relationship with the transport sector and vital infrastructures. Clients are goverments (Ministries such as V&J and (DCC) IenM en local goverments), Infrastructure Managers (Rijkswaterstaat, ProRail) en transport companies (NS)

InfraRisk (2014-2016):

website InfraRisk

RAIN (2015-2017)

website RAIN

The role of PSJ was various:

  • development of an ORT-applicatie 'vulnerability and resilience for extreme weather events';
  • contribution to probabilistic design in 'single- and multiple hazards';
  • Organisation Delphi-panel in case study;
  • Chairman of the Security Scrutiny Committee.