“A security plan in which site specific issues are integrated fitting in a strategic concept” – PSJ –


Security Concept

The security concept of PSJ takes care that the implementation of security for different types of objects of an organisation will be done effectively and efficiently. The outline and design of the Handbook Security gives an organsiation the possibility itself, based on practical and founded approach, to develop site specific solutions for objects fitting in their own business processes and based on strategic, tactical and operational choices for the management of security.


  • takes care of the initial development of the Handbook Security;
  • manages the needed periodical changes;
  • trains employees so that they are able to execute site security plans themselves;
  • delivers site security plans;
  • review on quality;
  • offers dedicated software.

Strategic part

In the strategic part of the Handbook Security the basic elements are set:

  • the definition of security, the demarcation of security, necessity of security and the use of security management within the organisation; 
  • the context: existing rules, regulation, norms and stakeholders; 
  • the choices related to the management of security risks, main security risks and performance requirements;
  • organisation of security, goals and security protocols and measures; 
  • defining the organisational and procedural security issues; 
  • the needed protection of company processes,  influences of the direct environment and the importance of these subjects for setting the level of security;
  • the development of the basic security levels;
  • for each type of object the identified security risks, incident scenario's and threat profiles; 
  • the interface with cyber security. 

With the above mentioned subjects the standard for a professional security management is set. With an approval of the board there will be a commitment for the organisation. 

Tactical part

In the tactical part of the Handbook Security the identified parts will be further developed:

  • the interface with cyber security and with the protection of vital infrastructure protection is developed; 
  • the common behaviour and house rules, security procedures, protocols and decision schemes for the identified security incidents;  
  • in which way a site specific security plan should be executed; 
  • in which way the relationship between basic security and situations of higher threat should be managed; 
  • for each type of object the needed basic security level (BSL) will be set;
  • which security measures should be implemented;
  • Within the categorisation to a Basic Security Level criteria are used based on the CPTED-fields of attention visibility, clarity, accessability and attractivity.

Operational part

The content of the operational part of the Handbook Security:

  • a standard for a site specific security plan for the different objects of an organisation; 
  • a functional description of all system requirements for the security measures in which a quality standard will be set;
  • a decision scheme for the execution of a site specific security plan in case of the development of a new object, renewing or existing situation;
  • During this site specific inspection the CPTED-fields of attention visibility, clarity, accessability and attractivity are taken into account as part of the overall security advise..

With this content a site manager can execute a site specific security plan, based on the strategic decisions by the board. In this way the operational security will fit in the company's approach as well as the specific local situation.

in combination with the functional requirements a tender process can be executed according to the specific situation of an object. Also quality control and inspections can be executed based on the site specific plan.

Through periodic audits and inspections it is possible to check the existing plans and to decide on necessary improvements. In this way a systematic security implementation is assured.